
Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is here and now.
The seventh and final thing to do to have a confidence attack is stay in the here and now, by doing this you can stay free from thoughts and feelings because you are observing. 1= exploration, you have a choice, 2= humour, use your humor to diminish negativity, 3= fearlessly, you are confident, 4=positive, you love what you are doing and can turn ANYTHING around to your advantage, 5=love, love everyone and everything, but without NEEDING acceptance, 6=elevate yourself, you are the best and you CAN do it, 7= here and now, staying conscious means you can stay aware of egoic responses and make conscious adjustments to your own advantage. Be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is elevate.
The sixth thing to do to have a confidence attack is elevate yourself, use words such as I can do it or I love myself etc, this will help you on your path to positivity. 1= exploration, 2= humour, 3= fearlessly, 4=positive, 5=love and 6=elevate yourself, 7 is coming soon. Be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is positive.
The fourth thing to do for a confidence attack is positive self talk, yep that's right, self talk, if there's something your doing that you think negatively about, stop it and tell yourself you absolutely love what you are doing, what ever it is say you simply love it, stop the "should", "have to" and "must be" statements and say love it statements. 1= exploration, 2= humour, 3= fearlessly, 4= positive self talk, 5 is coming soon. Be positive and stay positive. (seven easy steps to have a confidence attack). 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is fearlessly.
You are not scared and refuse to let you're mind trick you into thinking you are. If you have any anxiety creeping in keep repeating to yourself you are NOT scared. Or you can simply try just consciously exploring any feelings you are having, this conscious awareness will help dissipate any feelings. And that's what they are just feelings passing through your body. Don't judge your feelings just accept them. Be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is amusement.
This is the second stage to having a confidence attack, if you find yourself panicking, amusement is key because most negative thoughts and feelings are serious, so using humorous thoughts can diminish negativity. Number one is exploration and number two is amusement, there are seven steps to a confidence attack, remember that your new thoughts and humour must be kind and loving. Be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is exploration.
Over the next couple of days I will be posting several easy steps for you to have a confidence attack, what is a confidence attack I hear you say, well it's the antidote for panic attacks. Step one is exploration, basically you just become consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings and firstly accept that you have a choice in the way you think and therefore feel. It's all in your mind and nowhere else. Step two coming soon, be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is self elevation.
As mentioned in previous posts other peoples negative agenda involves telling you how your plans will not succeed or how you're not good enough but that is their negative agenda and small views, don't let others negative agenda get you down, the bigger picture is within your mind, only you can elevate yourself with positive thoughts. Even though sometimes others maybe right, we do the best we can with the knowledge
we have. Use your knowledge to elevate yourself. Be positive and stay positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is contradiction.
If you are having negative thoughts or feelings why not contradict them with some positive thoughts and feelings. Keep doing this any time you feel negative and your positivity will grow. Say no to negativity. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is helpfulness.
If you do something to help someone for what ever reason or purpose, not only will you make someone else happy but you will make yourself happy and positive. 


Positive word of the day.

Positive words.
The positive word of the day is changing.
If you feel negative thoughts creeping in simply change it to a good positive thought,   this may take some repetition but it's your mind and thoughts and you deserve the best. You're in control, be positive and stay positive.